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Why does Kyo wear the bracelet?

In the world of Fruits Basket, Kyo Sohma is a cold-hearted but passionate young man. The red bracelet on his wrist has always been a mystery. What makes it so special? Why does Kyo always wear it? Let’s uncover the story behind this mysterious bracelet together.

What is Kyo’s bracelet made of?

Kyo’s bracelet consists of Juzu Beads, which are traditional Buddhist prayer beads. These small, round beads come in alternating red and white colors, creating a distinctive pattern on the bracelet. In the original manga and early anime adaptations, the beads were depicted as black and white, though this was later corrected by creator Natsuki Takaya.

The use of Juzu Beads adds an extra layer of symbolism to Kyo’s bracelet. As Buddhist prayer beads, they represent spiritual growth and mindfulness – ironic given that Kyo initially uses them to suppress his true nature rather than cultivate inner peace.

What does Kyo Sohma’s bracelet mean?

Kyo’s bracelet serves multiple purposes. It’s more than just an accessory; it’s a symbol of his identity, his struggles, and his hopes.

  • A Reminder of the Curse: The bracelet is a constant reminder of the zodiac curse that binds Kyo and the Sohma family. The red and white beads often represent the duality of his nature, the fiery beast within and the desire to be human.
  • A Symbol of Restraint: The bracelet acts as a physical anchor, helping Kyo to control his emotions and prevent him from transforming into his monstrous form. It’s a tangible way for him to keep his darker impulses in check.
  • A Connection to Tohru: The bracelet also holds sentimental value for Kyo, as it’s often seen as a connection to Tohru Honda, the kind-hearted girl who accepts him unconditionally. The bracelet becomes a symbol of their bond and the hope it brings him.

Why did Kyo break his bracelet?

Kyo Sohma broke his bracelet as a symbolic gesture of breaking free from the curse that bound him and the Sohma family. The bracelet represented the chains of the curse, and by destroying it, Kyo was expressing his determination to overcome his past and forge a new path for himself.

It was a significant moment in the Fruits Basket series, marking a turning point in Kyo’s character development. By breaking the bracelet, he was symbolically shedding the weight of the curse and taking control of his own destiny.

Want to connect with the spirit of Fruits Basket and show your support for Kyo? Our Kyo Sohma bracelet is the perfect way to express your fandom. Crafted with high-quality materials and inspired by the original design, this bracelet captures the essence of Kyo’s character. Order yours today!

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